Help with search


Help with Business Name, Address, City, State or Spelling?



Business Name

1. If you are having problems finding the correct business name, try entering only part of the business name.


    Instead of entering 'World of CD-ROM' enter 'World of'


2. Is the city correct?


    Many businesses located in one city use the larger cities name, like Portage, MI, instead may be Kalamazoo, Mi.


3. Could there be another name used or different spelling?


    In example #1, World of CD-ROM has a dash in it, but most people spell it World of CDROM.

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Business Address

1. In order to bring up only one exact address, you would need to enter the exact address.


    123 North 4th Street, may be entered as 123 N. 4th St, or 123 N 4th St.

    The easiest method would be to look for 123 N

2. If you are not sure of the exact spelling or convention used, try to think of the simplest and shortest common letters.


    1421 North Indian Lake, might be found easier by entering Indian Lake.

3. Do not enter every word in a long or complicated address.  Look for unique characteristics about the address as above.

4. Use Zip Code instead of address.

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Business City (Click for a list of city names, their spelling and proximity)

1. Areas like Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo are made up of many different cities, towns and suburbs.  Try to 

    narrow your search to the exact city or town or use the zip code.

2. If you can't spell the city name, try the letters you know to be correct.


    Osht for Oshtemo or Good for Goodrich.

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Business State

1. Use only the abbreviations for States or use the zip code instead of State.


    Michigan, MI.  Please keep in mind, most US States are currently being updated, if you don't find the State you are

    looking for, now would be an excellent time to list your business for that State!

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Business Keywords

1. 'Keywords' search box is a very powerful search tool.  Like many search engines 'Keywords' will help you narrow your

    search for businesses that offer specific products and services you're looking for.


    In the 'Keywords' search box enter 'computer' to find each business in the specified City and State that offers

    computers, computer products, computer software, computer services and more!

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Business Category

1. 'Category' will help you find businesses when don't know how to spell their specific name or when you don't know the 

    business name.

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Spelling Help

1. Enter only part of the name, address or city that you know to be correct.


    Genesee, could be found by entering Gen.

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Live Support

1. Almost afraid to enter this one, Live support will be available May 15th, 2003. (Sorry)

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Copyright © 1997 [World Networking Group] All rights reserved.
Revised: April 13, 2004 .


Emails of thanks!

The search engine I used brought me directly to, perfect!  Search "restaurants in Kalamazoo Michigan"

Lycos sent me to, thanks!  "Attorneys in Grand Rapids Michigan"

"Businesses located in Flint Michigan"  "Business listing for Detroit Michigan"

"List of all businesses located in the Grand Rapids area"  "Business names in Battle Creek"

"Free business listings for Detroit"  "Free business listings for Flint"

"Free business listing for Wayne County Michigan"  "Schools located in Michigan"

"Physicians in Grand Rapids, Michigan"  "List all businesses in Kalamazoo, Michigan"  "Kalamazoo area businesses"

"Business in Kalamazoo, Michigan"  "List all businesses in Portage, Michigan"  "List all businesses in Vicksburg, Michigan"

Short Kalamazoo / Portage Business Submittal