15551212.com, map your trip, change way points, history and more!

 Driving direction are located on the far right  or GPS business locator(along the way, live!)

         "Trip planner with drag and drop way points!"

                   1.) Enter starting point and destination, press 'Map it!'  

                   2.) Place your cursor over a street or city and change way points.

Starting :      

Destination :  <- click to generate map!

Above example: Place City State

Emergency Vehicle Alert Scanner(Live)



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Use ; between address, example:  myCell@15551212.com;Your@15551212.com


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 Map/Plan a trip or vacation with changeable way points, free!
  Powered by World Networking Group, John L Turcott (Pete Turcott, Portage Michigan 49008)

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Welcome to 15551212.com, changeable drag and drop way points travel planner.


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